Thursday, August 27, 2009

Globalisation and Localisation

Once again we looked at an issue affecting all of us as future Journalists: The effect of Globalisation. Gone are the days of a local Journalist providing the news for his town. Living in an age where I can find out what my favourite celebrity had for breakfast on twitter or a free lance Journalist's opinion on the war in Iraq the role of quality journalism is dropping in significance, whilst growing in need.

When one can access to the miute news from around the world- and are seemingly more than willing to trust feelance websites and citizen Journalists- the quest for the truth and the harder task of attracting readers or listeners becomes more and more difficult.

To tackle this issue I think it is of upmost importance to go back to the main principles of good reporting- Follow Kipling's men (Who, What, Why , Where and Who) and verify our sources. As one must realise, with Globalisation comes technologies which make our source acquisition easier to execute, as well as giving us the luxury of reporting on a range of national, international and local issues from the comfort of our own offices.

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